Friday, February 22, 2008


Today i started blogging. I remember reading about it in Zits,a lame comic strip. I thought i was another complicated culture which is taking over North America.
I was wrong. Again.
And Again.

As usual,i was browsing hopelessly hoping to discover a fun-filled site, when suddenly my old friend (shs is currently single at the moment) asked me to check out her blog when i asked her "how was your day" She was apperently too tired driving through the spider-web-like streets of my dear Penang.

And then it hit me,hard. I have wasted 3 months doing nothing and indulging myself in the dull land of Lady Laziness. My unlikely saviour showed me a path for me to trot in the remaining weeks of my freedom. BLOGGIN!

I am constantly reminding myself that the text that i have typed above is heavily packed with silly and unsuspecting spelling and grammatical error. But i have one thing to say about it,

I cant possibly be bothered to spell check :)

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