Sunday, September 14, 2008

If U Think YOUR life is messed up, READ THIS

Well...hello. The possibilty of some homesapien reading this post is nearing zero. just to update u with myself..i m still alive. Quite healthy, most probably straight( this rather shocking thought coz i havent surfed porn in quite a while)... i mean, the porn stars need to find a way to spice things up. Blow Job...Doggy...ect ect tats all they knw. i mean...the WHOLE INDUSTRY in build in the thought of entertaining sexually challenged and yawning young men. I think they should foster Innovation or face the risk of loosing its audience to American Soap Opera. ALL HAIL HEROES AND PUSHING DAISIES.

Nowdays, i can feel this pitch black mist hovering over my balding head..(not BALD but BALDING) constantly clouding my mind from any positive thoughts, if i had any to begin with.

My Guitar tutor said this is due to raghu bagavan who is apparently the Lord of the Failed Plans and Abusive thoughts. It seems all the planets/grahams are starting a new club. "Lets make yugendra the biggest loser in the southern hemisphere,and beyond" is Lord Buthan or Mercury's choice, Shani being the rude sarcastic one decided to name the club "Yugendra: The Arse Fucking Idiot who is STILL a Virgin" I mean... i have to agree with both of them. A Good choice of words Saturn,keep up the good work.

I love to write but it seems the disease that often plagues writers....fondly known as a "Writer's Block" decided to "suffocate" me from the start.

Bla Bla Bla bla....tats all i m hearing myself say now. I have this impeccable tendency to talk crap to myself and pull down my a gay man doing doggy-style with his over weight wife. I dont knw how this gay man is related to story but thats how i feel now. NOT GAY, but Out of place. Dispropotionate. Unworthy. Virgin.

Doggy-style-----------Virgin? how are they related?? Narayanaaaaaa....where are u when i need u??

Well, dont ask me....ask the guy inside my head talking now.

i named the "guy" Galileo...he is actually a nice guy. He lives in my head. He likes green tea. He doesnt eat much and likes to talk with a posh english accent. Gopal is my new friend. Imaginative BUT insightful. WEIRD but worthy.

Say Hello Galileo.......


i m so gonna end up in an asylum.

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