Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stupidity at its Hallmark

Hello Hello...
Here i am again, bored, estranged, depressed, and delightfully supressed.
How are you my avid reader, what could have you done to bring yourself into such a depressing blog.
i mean, i dont even understand the concept of blogging. OK, u tell me that its to record your daily events matched with clourful and bright pictures. But how sure are you people in this world are actually interested if not bothered to know( of course a part from your hypocrital friends who pretend to be interested and happy with all your current achievements, if you had any to begin with.)

secondly, if you could answer my question you are probably the guy SEVENTEEN is looking for;
Which came first, lip gloss or lipstick???
If you are a member of the comman-men society, you might "google" it up or search this in WIKIPEDIA. I mean, Google??? Its so blant and tasteless. Monochrome and cliche. I prefer Yahoo for some rather sentimental reasons.

Again, i end my blog without achieving my innitial goal which was to analyse the beautiful and erotic topic of sex and how it has gained populariy despite hushing taboos and gushing religious tornados of our blessed biggot country.

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